Benefits of anti-nutrients
Anti-nutrients promote autophagy, anti-aging and anti-cancer
.........for details and food sources of such anti-nutrients, go here <<
Anti-nutrients like phytates, lectins and glucosinolates are removed or deactivated by soaking, sprouting or boiling food before eating.
But their removal, also destroys anti-aging , anti-cancer BENEFITS !
...... Many anti-nutrients have antioxidant and anticancer actions, so avoiding them entirely is not recommended. [3,4]
...... Many anti-nutrients have antioxidant and anticancer actions, so avoiding them entirely is not recommended. [3,4]
~ Glossary ~
Autophagy :when the body eats itself, thereby eliminating old senescent cells that can no longer divide and are otherwise at high risk of turning cancerous (a desirable thing), in Chinese medicine, this is known as Detoxing (aka 'Gai Toke', in Cantonese). Auto = self, phagy = eating
Apoptosis :
when a cancerous cell commits suicide (a desirable thing)
~ Examples ~
Sulforaphane causes autophagy to inhibit release of cytochrome c and apoptosis in prostate cancer
>> Brussel sprouts, Broccoli, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Kale, contain Sulforaphane, a common Glucosinolate
Lectins in plants in cancer therapy: Targets apoptosis & autophagy-dependent cell death,implication%20in%20cancer%20inhibitory%20mechanism.
.......Interestingly, plant lectins contribute to inducing cell death through autophagy and apoptosis, indicating their potential implication in cancer inhibitory mechanism.
Lectin in soyabean induces autophagy through P2RX7 dependent activation of NF-κB-ROS pathway ....
>> tomato (raw), cucumber (raw) contains lectins
Phytic acid (Phytates) induces autophagy
>> Mung bean soup contains lots of Phytic acid !
Mung bean soup recipe, click here <<
Saponins :Targeting autophagy using saponins as therapeutic and preventive strategy against diseases,against%20many%20autophagy%2Drelated%20diseases.
>> Ciku fruit, Quinoa has SaponinsWiki:
Saponins have historically been plant-derived, but they have also been isolated from marine organisms such as sea cucumber
Why are they called 'anti-nutrients'?
Further reading
1. Antinutrients: Why You Shouldn't Worry About Them
What foods contain saponins?
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